
The Product model in Sylius represents unique items in your store. Every product can have different variants (e.g., size, color) and attributes (e.g., material, brand). Each product must have at least one variant to be sold in the store.

How to create a Product?

Before we learn how to create products that can be sold, let’s see how to create a product without its complex dependencies.

/** @var ProductFactoryInterface $productFactory **/
$productFactory = $this->get('sylius.factory.product');

/** @var ProductInterface $product */
$product = $productFactory->createNew();

Creating an empty product is not enough to save it in the database. It needs to have a name, a code and a slug.


/** @var RepositoryInterface $productRepository */
$productRepository = $this->get('sylius.repository.product');


Although the product is now added to the system, it cannot yet be purchased by customers because it lacks variants.


A ProductVariant represents a unique version of a product (e.g., a T-shirt in size Medium). Variants can have their own pricing configurations, inventory tracking, and more.

  • You can create variants based on product options (e.g., size, color).

  • You can also create variants without using options, giving you flexibility in how you manage product versions.

Virtual Product Variants, that do not require shipping

If a product does not require shipping (e.g., a digital download or software), you can set the shippingRequired property to false on its ProductVariant.

How to create a Product with a Variant?

If you need to sell products in different forms (e.g., hardcover vs. paperback), you can create a product with variants as follows:

  1. Create the base product as shown previously.

  2. Create a variant using the ProductVariantFactory.

/** @var ProductVariantFactoryInterface $productVariantFactory **/
$productVariantFactory = $this->get('sylius.factory.product_variant');

/** @var ProductVariantInterface $productVariant */
$productVariant = $productVariantFactory->createNew();
  1. Set the necessary attributes for the variant:

  1. Finally, save the variant to the database:

/** @var RepositoryInterface $productVariantRepository */
$productVariantRepository = $this->get('sylius.repository.product_variant');



When managing products with different variations (e.g., T-shirts in various sizes and colors), you’ll need to define ProductOptions. Each option can have multiple ProductOptionValues.

Example Options

  • Size: S, M, L, XL, XXL

  • Color: Red, Green, Blue

After defining the options, Sylius can automatically generate product variants based on the possible combinations.

How to create a Product with Options and Variants?

Here’s how to set up a product with options (e.g., color) and automatically generate variants for it.

/** @var ProductOptionInterface $option */
$option = $this->get('sylius.factory.product_option')->createNew();
$option->setName('T-Shirt Color');

// Prepare an array with values for your option, with codes, locale code and option values.
$valuesData = [
    'OV1' => ['locale' => 'en_US', 'value' => 'Red'],
    'OV2' => ['locale' => 'en_US', 'value' => 'Blue'],
    'OV3' => ['locale' => 'en_US', 'value' => 'Green'],

foreach ($valuesData as $code => $values) {
    /** @var ProductOptionValueInterface $optionValue */
    $optionValue = $this->get('sylius.factory.product_option_value')->createNew();



After you have an Option created and you keep it as $option variable let’s add it to the Product and generate Variants.

// Assuming that you have a basic product let's add the previously created option to it.

// Having option of a product you can generate variants. Sylius has a service for that operation.
/** @var ProductVariantGeneratorInterface $variantGenerator */
$variantGenerator = $this->get('sylius.generator.product_variant');


// And finally add the product, with its newly generated variants to the repository.
/** @var RepositoryInterface $productRepository */
$productRepository = $this->get('sylius.repository.product');


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