Catalog Promotions

The Catalog Promotions system in Sylius offers a powerful way to apply promotions across multiple products at once. If you're familiar with Cart Promotions, Catalog Promotions will feel familiar, but they apply directly to products in your catalog, rather than at checkout.

Catalog Promotions are managed through a combination of scopes and actions:

  • Scopes define which products (e.g., by taxon or specific product variants) the promotion applies to.

  • Actions determine what happens when the promotion is applied, such as a percentage discount.

You can also:

  • Set start and end dates for Catalog Promotions.

  • Assign priority (with higher-priority promotions applied first).

  • Set a promotion as exclusive, ensuring only one promotion is applied when multiple promotions could apply.

Additionally, promotions can be assigned to specific channels.

Applying promotions to a large catalog may take some time to process. Expect a delay of 2-10 minutes starting from the specified activation time, depending on the size of your catalog.

Catalog Promotion Parameters

A Catalog Promotion has a few key parameters, including a unique code and a name:

    "code": "t_shirt_promotion" // unique
    "name": "T-shirt Promotion"
    // ...

The code should contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores (like all Sylius codes). Using snake_case for codes is recommended.


You can specify which channels the promotion applies to:

    "channels": [
        "/api/v2/admin/channels/FASHION_WEB", //IRI
    // ...


Scopes define the range of products affected by the promotion. For example, you can apply a promotion to specific product variants:

    "scopes": [
            "type": "for_variants",
            "configuration": {
                "variants": [
                    "Everyday_white_basic_T_Shirt-variant-1", //Variant Code
    // ...

Variant codes are used instead of IRIs because this is a configuration, not a relationship to another resource.

Scope type
Scope Configuration Array


['products' => [$productCode]]


['taxons' => [$taxonCode]]


['variants' => [$variantCode]]


Actions define the behavior of the promotion, such as applying a percentage discount:

    "actions": [
            "type": "percentage_discount",
            "configuration": {
                "amount": 0.5 //float
    // ...
Action type
Action Configuration Array


[$channelCode => ['amount' => $amountInteger]]


['amount' => $amountFloat]


You can also add translations to provide labels and descriptions for different languages:

    "translations": {
        "en_US": {
            "label": "Summer discount",
            "description": "The grass so green, the sun so bright. Life seems a dream, no worries in sight.",
            "locale": "en_US" //Locale Code
    // ...

How to create a Catalog Promotion?

To create a catalog promotion, you can either use the API or do it programmatically.

API Creation

First, authorize yourself as an admin (guests cannot create promotions), then call the POST endpoint to create a basic catalog promotion:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://hostname/api/v2/admin/catalog-promotions' \
  -H 'accept: application/ld+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer authorizationToken' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' \
  -d '{
    "code": "t_shirt_promotion",
    "name": "T-shirt Promotion"

If successful, you will receive a 201 status code, indicating that the promotion has been created with only a name and code.


You can also create a catalog promotion using Sylius' factory service:

/** @var CatalogPromotionInterface $promotion */
$promotion = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.catalog_promotion')->createNew();

$promotion->setName('T-shirt Promotion');

However, both API and programmatically created promotions are not useful without additional configurations such as scopes and actions.

Adding a Scope and Action to a Catalog Promotion

To make a Catalog Promotion functional, you need to add scopes and actions.

API Extension

Extend the previous POST request to include scope, action, and translation configurations:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://hostname/api/v2/admin/catalog-promotions' \
  -H 'accept: application/ld+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer authorizationToken' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' \
  -d '{
    "code": "t_shirt_promotion",
    "name": "T-shirt Promotion",
    "channels": [
    "scopes": [
          "type": "for_variants",
          "configuration": {
            "variants": ["Everyday_white_basic_T_Shirt-variant-1", "Everyday_white_basic_T_Shirt-variant-4"]
    "actions": [
          "type": "percentage_discount",
          "configuration": {
            "amount": 0.5
    "translations": {
        "en_US": {
          "label": "T-shirt Promotion",
          "description": "T-shirt Promotion description",
          "locale": "en_US"

This will create a Catalog Promotion with:

  • Scope: targeting specific product variants.

  • Action: applying a 50% discount.

  • Translation: localized label and description.


Here’s how to configure a Catalog Promotion programmatically:

/** @var CatalogPromotionInterface $catalogPromotion */
$catalogPromotion = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.catalog_promotion')->createNew();
$catalogPromotion->setName('T-shirt Promotion');

$catalogPromotion->setLabel('T-shirt Promotion');
$catalogPromotion->setDescription('T-shirt Promotion description');


/** @var CatalogPromotionScopeInterface $catalogPromotionScope */
$catalogPromotionScope = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.catalog_promotion_scope')->createNew();

/** @var CatalogPromotionActionInterface $catalogPromotionAction */
$catalogPromotionAction = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.catalog_promotion_action')->createNew();

/** @var MessageBusInterface $eventBus */
$eventBus = $this->container->get('sylius.event_bus');
$eventBus->dispatch(new CatalogPromotionCreated($catalogPromotion->getCode()));

When creating a promotion programmatically, remember to dispatch the CatalogPromotionCreated event to ensure it is applied to your catalog.

Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Processing of Catalog Promotions

Catalog Promotions are processed asynchronously by default, meaning changes may take some time to reflect in the product catalog. This delay depends on the size of the catalog.

To enable asynchronous processing, run the following command to start the messenger consumer:

php bin/console messenger:consume main catalog_promotion_removal

Synchronous Processing

If you prefer synchronous processing (immediate application of promotions), you can override the configuration by setting up the config/packages/messenger.yaml file:

            main: 'sync://'

Synchronous processing is only recommended for small catalogs, as it may degrade user experience with larger data sets.

How Catalog Promotions Are Applied

When a new promotion is created or updated, the system triggers API Platform events (for API) and Resource events (for UI). These events dispatch the CatalogPromotionCreated or CatalogPromotionUpdated events to the event bus.

The CatalogPromotionUpdateListener listens for these events and recalculates the product catalog using the updated promotion data. Recalculation across the entire product catalog is handled by the BatchedApplyCatalogPromotionsOnVariantsCommandDispatcher, which applies the promotions to all relevant product variants.

To manually reapply a catalog promotion, refer to the "Adding a Scope and Action to a Catalog Promotion" section.

Removal of Catalog Promotions

Removing a Catalog Promotion involves:

  1. Turning off the promotion.

  2. Recalculating the product catalog.

  3. Deleting the promotion resource.

When using asynchronous mode, you'll need to start the worker for two transports:

  • The main transport handles recalculating the catalog.

  • The catalog_promotion_removal transport handles the removal of the promotion.

Here’s the command to start both processes:

php bin/console messenger:consume main catalog_promotion_removal

Each transport has its own failure transport, which stores any unprocessed messages. These transports are:

  • main_failed for the main transport.

  • catalog_promotion_removal_failed for the catalog promotion removal transport.

You can read more about handling failures in the Symfony Messenger documentation.

For synchronous processing, no additional configuration is required.

Managing Catalog Promotion Priority

Catalog promotions in Sylius must have unique priorities to ensure the correct application order. Here’s how priority is handled in different scenarios:

Creating a New Catalog Promotion

  • Higher priority: Adding a promotion with a priority higher than all existing promotions does not affect the others.

  • Lower priority: Adding a promotion with a lower priority increases the priority of all existing promotions by 1.

  • Equal priority: Adding a promotion with the same priority as an existing one increases the priority of all promotions with equal or higher priority by 1.

  • Priority of -1: A priority of -1 assigns the new promotion a priority one greater than the current highest value.

  • Negative priorities (< -1): These start from the lowest existing priority, counting backward. If a calculated priority is already taken, all equal or higher priorities are increased by 1.

Updating an Existing Catalog Promotion

  • Updating a promotion’s priority to match another promotion decreases the matching promotion’s priority by 1.

Last updated

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