Customizing Models

In Sylius, all models are located in the Sylius\Component\*ComponentName*\Model namespaces with corresponding interfaces. Many models are also extended within the Core component. If you want to customize a model that exists in Core, make sure to extend the Core version rather than the base model from the component itself.

Some models in Sylius are translatable, which means they support multiple languages. This guide covers customization for both regular and translatable models.

Why customize a model?

You might want to customize models to meet specific business needs. Here are a few examples:

  • Add a flag field to the Country model.

  • Add secondNumber to the Customer model.

  • Modify reviewSubject in the Review model.

  • Add an icon to the PaymentMethod model.

How to customize a model?

Example: Adding a flag Field to the Country Model

In this example, we will customize the Country model by adding a flag field to store an image URL.

  1. Extend the Model In src/Entity/Addressing/Country.php, extend the Sylius\Component\Addressing\Model\Country class.

    namespace App\Entity\Addressing;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use Sylius\Component\Addressing\Model\Country as BaseCountry;
    use Sylius\Component\Addressing\Model\CountryInterface;
     * @ORM\Entity()
     * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_country")
    class Country extends BaseCountry implements CountryInterface
        /** @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true) */
        private $flag;
        public function getFlag(): ?string
            return $this->flag;
        public function setFlag(string $flag): void
            $this->flag = $flag;
  2. Configure the Model in config/packages/_sylius.yaml Under the sylius_addressing section, ensure the custom model is referenced correctly.

                    model: App\Entity\Addressing\Country
  3. Update the Database Choose one of these two methods:

    • Direct Schema Update (not recommended for production):

      php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
    • Migrations (recommended):

      php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
      php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  4. Add the Field in the Admin Panel (Optional) To make the new flag field editable in the admin panel, you’ll need to update its form type. Check here.

How to customize a translatable model?

Translatable models, like ShippingMethod, support multilingual content. In this example, we’ll add an estimatedDeliveryTime field to ShippingMethod.

Example: Adding an estimatedDeliveryTime Field to the ShippingMethod Model

  1. Extend the Model In src/Entity/Shipping/ShippingMethod.php, extend the Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ShippingMethod class.

    namespace App\Entity\Shipping;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ShippingMethod as BaseShippingMethod;
    use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ShippingMethodInterface;
    use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Model\ShippingMethodTranslationInterface;
     * @ORM\Entity()
     * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_shipping_method")
    class ShippingMethod extends BaseShippingMethod implements ShippingMethodInterface
        /** @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true) */
        private $estimatedDeliveryTime;
        public function getEstimatedDeliveryTime(): ?string
            return $this->estimatedDeliveryTime;
        public function setEstimatedDeliveryTime(?string $estimatedDeliveryTime): void
            $this->estimatedDeliveryTime = $estimatedDeliveryTime;
        protected function createTranslation(): ShippingMethodTranslationInterface
            return new ShippingMethodTranslation();
  2. Configure the Model in _sylius.yaml Update config/packages/_sylius.yaml with the following configuration:

                    model: App\Entity\Shipping\ShippingMethod
  3. Update the Database Run the migrations:

    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  4. Add the Field in the Admin Panel (Optional) If you want administrators to edit estimatedDeliveryTime, update the form type accordingly. See form type customization here.

Example: Adding a translatable deliveryConditions Field to the ShippingMethod Model

Let’s assume you want to add a multilingual deliveryConditions field to ShippingMethod.

  1. Extend the Translation Class In src/Entity/Shipping/ShippingMethodTranslation.php, extend ShippingMethodTranslation and add the deliveryConditions field.

    namespace App\Entity\Shipping;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Model\ShippingMethodTranslation as BaseShippingMethodTranslation;
    use Sylius\Component\Shipping\Model\ShippingMethodTranslationInterface;
     * @ORM\Entity()
     * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_shipping_method_translation")
    class ShippingMethodTranslation extends BaseShippingMethodTranslation implements ShippingMethodTranslationInterface
        /** @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true) */
        private $deliveryConditions;
        public function getDeliveryConditions(): ?string
            return $this->deliveryConditions;
        public function setDeliveryConditions(?string $deliveryConditions): void
            $this->deliveryConditions = $deliveryConditions;
  2. Add Access Methods in ShippingMethod Modify src/Entity/Shipping/ShippingMethod.php to get and set deliveryConditions:

    public function getDeliveryConditions(): ?string
        return $this->getTranslation()->getDeliveryConditions();
    public function setDeliveryConditions(?string $deliveryConditions): void
  3. Configure in _sylius.yaml Update config/packages/_sylius.yaml to include both the main model and its translation.

                    model: App\Entity\Shipping\ShippingMethod
                        model: App\Entity\Shipping\ShippingMethodTranslation
  4. Database Update Run migrations as before:

    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Key Takeaways

  • Parameter Configuration: Sylius automatically uses the customized model in parameters, repositories, and controllers.

  • Translatable Models: Add properties to both the main and translation entities, and remember to update configuration and migrations.

  • Form Types: Update forms if you want your new fields editable in the admin.

  • Customizations can be done in your application or within Sylius Plugins.

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