
Sylius is sending various e-mails and this chapter is a reference about all of them. Continue reading to learn what e-mails are sent, when, and how to customize the templates. To understand how e-mail sending works internally, please refer to SyliusMailerBundle documentation. To learn more about mailer services configuration, read the dedicated cookbook.

User Confirmation

Every time a customer registers via the registration form, a user registration e-mail is sent to them.

Code: user_registration

The default template: @SyliusShop/Email/userRegistration.html.twig

You also have the following parameters available:

  • user: Instance of the user model

  • channel: Currently used channel

  • localeCode: Currently used locale code

Email Verification

When a customer registers via the registration form, besides the User Confirmation an Email Verification is sent.

Code: verification_token

The default template: @SyliusShop/Email/verification.html.twig

You also have the following parameters available:

  • user: Instance of the user model

  • channel: Currently used channel

  • localeCode: Currently used locale code

Password Reset

This e-mail is used when the user requests to reset their password in the login form.

Code: reset_password_token

The default template: @SyliusShop/Email/passwordReset.html.twig

You also have the following parameters available:

  • user: Instance of the user model

  • channel: Currently used channel

  • localeCode: Currently used locale code

Order Confirmation

This e-mail is sent when an order is placed.

Code: order_confirmation

The default template: @SyliusShop/Email/orderConfirmation.html.twig

You also have the following parameters available:

  • order: Instance of the order, with all its data

  • channel: Channel in which an order was placed

  • localeCode: Locale code in which an order was placed

Shipment Confirmation

This e-mail is sent when the order’s shipping process has started.

Code: shipment_confirmation

The default template: @SyliusAdmin/Email/shipmentConfirmation.html.twig

You have the following parameters available:

  • shipment: Shipment instance

  • order: Instance of the order, with all its data

  • channel: Channel in which an order was placed

  • localeCode: Locale code in which an order was placed

Contact Request

This e-mail is sent when a customer validates the contact form.

Code: contact_request

The default template: @SyliusShop/Email/contactRequest.html.twig

You have the following parameters available:

  • data: An array of submitted data from a form

  • channel: Channel in which an order was placed

  • localeCode: Locale code in which an order was placed

Sylius Plus: Return Requests Emails

What are Return Requests? Check here!

Return Request Confirmation

This email is sent after a return request has been created by a customer.

Code: sylius_plus_return_request_confirmation

The default template: @SyliusPlusPlugin/Returns/Infrastructure /Resources/views/Emails/returnRequestConfirmation.html.twig


  • order - for which the return request has been created

Return Request Acceptation

This email is sent when the administrator accepts a return request.

Code: sylius_plus_return_request_accepted

The default template: @SyliusPlusPlugin/Returns/Infrastructure /Resources/views/Emails/returnRequestAcceptedNotification.html.twig


  • returnRequest which has been accepted

  • order of the accepted return request

Return Request Rejection

This email is sent when the administrator rejects a return request.

Code: sylius_plus_return_request_rejected

The default template: @SyliusPlusPlugin/Returns/Infrastructure /Resources/views/Emails/returnRequestRejectedNotification.html.twig


  • returnRequest which has been rejected

  • order of the rejected return request

Return Request Resolution Change

This email is sent when the administrator changes the return request’s resolution proposed by a customer.

Code: sylius_plus_return_request_resolution_changed

The default template: @SyliusPlusPlugin/Returns/Infrastructure /Resources/views/Emails/returnRequestResolutionChangedNotification.html.twig


  • returnRequest whose resolution has been changed

  • order of the modified return request

Return Request: Repaired Items Sent

This email is sent when the administrator marks that a return request’s repaired items have been sent back to the Customer.

Code: sylius_plus_return_request_repaired_items_sent

The default template: @SyliusPlusPlugin/Returns/Infrastructure /Resources/views/Emails/returnRequestRepairedItemsSentNotification.html.twig


  • returnRequest of which the items were sent

  • order of the return request

How to send an Email programmatically?

For sending emails Sylius is using a dedicated service - Sender. Additionally, we have EmailManagers for Order Confirmation (OrderEmailManager) and Shipment Confirmation (ShipmentEmailManager).

While using Sender you have the available emails of Sylius available under constants in:

Example using Sender:

/** @var SenderInterface $sender */
$sender = $this->container->get('sylius.email_sender');

$sender->send(\Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Mailer\Emails::EMAIL_VERIFICATION_TOKEN, ['[email protected]'], ['user' => $user, 'channel' => $channel, 'localeCode' => $localeCode]);

Example using EmailManager:

/** @var OrderEmailManagerInterface $sender */
$orderEmailManager = $this->container->get('sylius.email_manager.order');


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