2. Taxons¶


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2.1. Taxons¶

Retrieving taxons from database should always happen via repository, which implements Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Model\RepositoryInterface. If you are using Doctrine, you’re already familiar with this concept, as it extends the native Doctrine ObjectRepository interface.

Your taxon repository is always accessible via sylius.repository.taxon service.

Taxon contains methods which allow you to retrieve the child taxons. Let’s look at our example tree.

| Categories
|--  T-Shirts
|    |-- Men
|    `-- Women
|--  Stickers
|--  Mugs
`--  Books

To get a collection of child taxons under taxon, use the findChildren method.


class MyActionController
    public function myAction(Request $request)
        // Find the parent taxon
        $taxonRepository = $this->container->get('sylius.repository.taxon');
        $taxon = $taxonRepository->findOneByName('Categories');

        $taxonRepository = $this->container->get('sylius.repository.taxon');
        $taxons = $taxonRepository->findChildren($taxon);

$taxons variable will now contain a list (ArrayCollection) of taxons in following order: T-Shirts, Men, Women, Stickers, Mugs, Books.