9. Resolving available shipping methods¶


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In many use cases, you want to decide which shipping methods are available for user. Sylius has a dedicated service which serves this purpose.

9.1. ShippingMethodsResolver¶

This service also works with the ShippingSubjectInterface. To get all shipping methods which support given subject, simply call the getSupportedMethods function.

public function myAction()
    $resolver = $this->get('sylius.shipping_methods_resolver');
    $shipment = $this->get('sylius.repository.shipment')->find(5);

    foreach ($resolver->getSupportedMethods($shipment) as $method) {
        echo $method->getName();

You can also pass the criteria array to initially filter the shipping methods pool.

public function myAction()
    $country = $this->getUser()->getCountry();
    $resolver = $this->get('sylius.shipping_methods_resolver');
    $shipment = $this->get('sylius.repository.shipment')->find(5);

    foreach ($resolver->getSupportedMethods($shipment, array('country' => $country)) as $method) {
        echo $method->getName();

9.2. In forms¶

To display a select field with all the available methods for given subject, you can use the sylius_shipping_method_choice type. It supports two special options, required subject and optional criteria.


class ShippingController extends Controller
    public function selectMethodAction(Request $request)
        $shipment = $this->get('sylius.repository.shipment')->find(5);

        $form = $this->get('form.factory')->create(ShippingMethodChoiceType::class, null, array('subject' => $shipment));

This form type internally calls the ShippingMethodsResolver service and creates a list of available methods.