How to integrate a Payment Gateway as a Plugin?¶

Among all possible customizations, new gateway provider is one of the most common choices. Payment processing complexity, regional limits and the amount of potential payment providers makes it hard for Sylius core to keep up with all possible cases. A custom payment gateway is sometimes the only choice.

In the following example, a new gateway will be configured, which will send payment details to external API.

1. Set up a new plugin using the PluginSkeleton.

composer create-project sylius/plugin-skeleton ProjectName

2. The first step in the newly created repository would be to create a new Gateway Factory.

Prepare a gateway factory class in src/Payum/SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory.php:

// src/Payum/SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum;

use Payum\Core\Bridge\Spl\ArrayObject;
use Payum\Core\GatewayFactory;

final class SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory extends GatewayFactory
    protected function populateConfig(ArrayObject $config): void
            'payum.factory_name' => 'sylius_payment',
            'payum.factory_title' => 'Sylius Payment',

And at the end of src/Resources/config/services.xml or src/Resources/config/services.yaml add such a configuration for your gateway:

<!-- src/Resources/config/services.xml -->

<service id="app.sylius_payment" class="Payum\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Builder\GatewayFactoryBuilder">
    <tag name="payum.gateway_factory_builder" factory="sylius_payment" />
# src/Resources/config/services.yaml

    class: Payum\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Builder\GatewayFactoryBuilder
    arguments: [ Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum\SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory ]
      - { name: payum.gateway_factory_builder, factory: sylius_payment }

3. Next, one should create a configuration form, where authorization (or some additional information, like sandbox mode) can be specified.

Create the configuration type in src/Form/Type/SyliusGatewayConfigurationType.php:

// src/Form/Type/SyliusGatewayConfigurationType.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Form\Type;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;

final class SyliusGatewayConfigurationType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
        $builder->add('api_key', TextType::class);

And add its configuration to src/Resources/config/services.xml or src/Resources/config/services.yaml:

<!-- src/Resources/config/services.xml -->

<service id="Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Form\Type\SyliusGatewayConfigurationType">
    <tag name="sylius.gateway_configuration_type" type="sylius_payment" label="Sylius Payment" />
    <tag name="form.type" />
# src/Resources/config/services.yaml

      - { name: sylius.gateway_configuration_type, type: sylius_payment, label: 'Sylius Payment' }
      - { name: form.type }

4. To introduce support for new configuration fields, we need to create a value object which will be passed to action, so we can use an API Key provided in form.

Create a new ValueObject in src/Payum/SyliusApi.php:

// src/Payum/SyliusApi.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum;

final class SyliusApi
    /** @var string */
    private $apiKey;

    public function __construct(string $apiKey)
        $this->apiKey = $apiKey;

    public function getApiKey(): string
        return $this->apiKey;

In src/Payum/SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory.php we need to add support for newly created SyliusApi VO by adding $config['payum.api'] = function (ArrayObject $config) { return new SyliusApi($config['api_key']); }; at the end of populateConfig method. Adjusted SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory class should look like this:

// src/Payum/SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum;

use Payum\Core\Bridge\Spl\ArrayObject;
use Payum\Core\GatewayFactory;

final class SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory extends GatewayFactory
    protected function populateConfig(ArrayObject $config): void
            'payum.factory_name' => 'sylius_payment',
            'payum.factory_title' => 'Sylius Payment',

        $config['payum.api'] = function (ArrayObject $config) {
            return new SyliusApi($config['api_key']);

From now on, your new Payment Gateway should be available in the admin panel.


5. Configure new payment method in the admin panel


6. Configure required actions

We will create two actions: CaptureAction and StatusAction. The first one will be responsible for sending data to an external system:

  • payment amount

  • currency

  • API key configured in the previously created form

while the second one will translate HTTP codes of the Response to a proper state of payment.

6.1. Create StatusAction and add it to the SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory

In a gateway factory class in src/Payum/SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory.php we need to add 'payum.action.status' => new StatusAction(), to config defaults. Adjusted SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory class should look like this:

// src/Payum/SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum;

use Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum\Action\StatusAction;
use Payum\Core\Bridge\Spl\ArrayObject;
use Payum\Core\GatewayFactory;

final class SyliusPaymentGatewayFactory extends GatewayFactory
    protected function populateConfig(ArrayObject $config): void
            'payum.factory_name' => 'sylius_payment',
            'payum.factory_title' => 'Sylius Payment',
            'payum.action.status' => new StatusAction(),

        $config['payum.api'] = function (ArrayObject $config) {
            return new SyliusApi($config['api_key']);

Now we need to create a StatusAction in src/Payum/Action/StatusAction.php:

// src/Payum/Action/StatusAction.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum\Action;

use Payum\Core\Action\ActionInterface;
use Payum\Core\Exception\RequestNotSupportedException;
use Payum\Core\Request\GetStatusInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\PaymentInterface as SyliusPaymentInterface;

final class StatusAction implements ActionInterface
    public function execute($request): void
        RequestNotSupportedException::assertSupports($this, $request);

        /** @var SyliusPaymentInterface $payment */
        $payment = $request->getFirstModel();

        $details = $payment->getDetails();

        if (200 === $details['status']) {


        if (400 === $details['status']) {


    public function supports($request): bool
            $request instanceof GetStatusInterface &&
            $request->getFirstModel() instanceof SyliusPaymentInterface

StatusAction will update the state of payment based on details provided by CaptureAction. Based on the value of the status code of the HTTP request, the payment status will be adjusted as follows:

  • HTTP 400 (Bad request) - payment has failed

  • HTTP 200 (OK) - payment succeeded

6.2. Create a service for handling the CaptureAction


An external request interceptor was used for training purposes. Please, visit Beeceptor. and supply sylius-payment as an endpoint name. If the service is not working, you can use Post Test Server V2. as well, but remember about adjusting the path.

This time we will start with creating a CaptureAction in src/Payum/Action/CaptureAction.php:

// src/Payum/Action/CaptureAction.php



namespace Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum\Action;

use Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum\SyliusApi;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use Payum\Core\Action\ActionInterface;
use Payum\Core\ApiAwareInterface;
use Payum\Core\Exception\RequestNotSupportedException;
use Payum\Core\Exception\UnsupportedApiException;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\PaymentInterface as SyliusPaymentInterface;
use Payum\Core\Request\Capture;

final class CaptureAction implements ActionInterface, ApiAwareInterface
    /** @var Client */
    private $client;
    /** @var SyliusApi */
    private $api;

    public function __construct(Client $client)
        $this->client = $client;

    public function execute($request): void
        RequestNotSupportedException::assertSupports($this, $request);

        /** @var SyliusPaymentInterface $payment */
        $payment = $request->getModel();

        try {
            $response = $this->client->request('POST', '', [
                'body' => json_encode([
                    'price' => $payment->getAmount(),
                    'currency' => $payment->getCurrencyCode(),
                    'api_key' => $this->api->getApiKey(),
        } catch (RequestException $exception) {
            $response = $exception->getResponse();
        } finally {
            $payment->setDetails(['status' => $response->getStatusCode()]);

    public function supports($request): bool
            $request instanceof Capture &&
            $request->getModel() instanceof SyliusPaymentInterface

    public function setApi($api): void
        if (!$api instanceof SyliusApi) {
            throw new UnsupportedApiException('Not supported. Expected an instance of ' . SyliusApi::class);

        $this->api = $api;

And at the end of src/Resources/config/services.xml or src/Resources/config/services.yaml` add such a configuration for your capture action:

<!-- src/Resources/config/services.xml -->

<service id="Acme\SyliusExamplePlugin\Payum\Action\CaptureAction" public=true>
    <argument type="service" id="sylius.http_client" />
    <tag name="payum.action" factory="sylius_payment" alias="payum.action.capture" />
# src/Resources/config/services.yaml

    public: true
        - '@sylius.http_client'
        - { name: payum.action, factory: sylius_payment, alias: payum.action.capture }

Your shop is ready to handle the first checkout with your newly created gateway!


On both previously mentioned interceptors, you may configure a status code of the response. Check the behavior of Sylius for 400 status code (HTTP Bad Request) as well!

Learn more¶