Basic Usage¶


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In order to benefit from the component’s features at first you need to create a basic class that will implement the PromotionSubjectInterface. Let’s assume that you would like to have a system that applies promotions on Tickets. Your Ticket class therefore will implement the CountablePromotionSubjectInterface to give you an ability to count the subjects for promotion application purposes.


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\CountablePromotionSubjectInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionSubjectInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionInterface;

class Ticket implements CountablePromotionSubjectInterface
     * @var int
    private $quantity;

     * @var Collection
    private $promotions;

     * @var int
    private $unitPrice;

    public function __construct()
        $this->promotions = new ArrayCollection();
     * @return int
    public function getQuantity()
        return $this->quantity;

     * @param int $quantity
    public function setQuantity($quantity)
        $this->quantity = $quantity;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getPromotions()
        return $this->promotions;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function hasPromotion(PromotionInterface $promotion)
        return $this->promotions->contains($promotion);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getPromotionSubjectTotal()

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function addPromotion(PromotionInterface $promotion)
        if (!$this->hasPromotion($promotion)) {

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function removePromotion(PromotionInterface $promotion)

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getPromotionSubjectCount()
        return $this->getQuantity();

     * @return int
    public function getUnitPrice()
        return $this->unitPrice;

     * @param int $price
    public function setUnitPrice($price)
        $this->unitPrice = $price;

     * @return int
    public function getTotal()
        return $this->getUnitPrice() * $this->getQuantity();


The component provides us with a PromotionProcessor which checks all rules of a subject and applies configured actions if rules are eligible.


use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Processor\PromotionProcessor;
use App\Entity\Ticket;

 * @param PromotionRepositoryInterface         $repository
 * @param PromotionEligibilityCheckerInterface $checker
 * @param PromotionApplicatorInterface         $applicator
$processor = new PromotionProcessor($repository, $checker, $applicator);

$subject = new Ticket();



It implements the PromotionProcessorInterface.


The Promotion component provides us with a delegating service - the CompositePromotionEligibilityChecker that checks if the promotion rules are eligible for a given subject. Below you can see how it works:


Remember! That before you start using rule checkers you need to have two Registries - rule checker registry and promotion action registry. In these you have to register your rule checkers and promotion actions. You will also need working services - ‘item_count’ rule checker service for our example:


use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\Promotion;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionAction;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionRule;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Checker\CompositePromotionEligibilityChecker;
use App\Entity\Ticket;

$checkerRegistry = new ServiceRegistry('Sylius\Component\Promotion\Checker\RuleCheckerInterface');
$actionRegistry = new ServiceRegistry('Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionActionInterface');
$ruleRegistry = new ServiceRegistry('Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionRuleInterface');

$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

 * @param ServiceRegistryInterface $registry
 * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher
$checker = new CompositePromotionEligibilityChecker($checkerRegistry, $dispatcher);

$itemCountChecker = new ItemCountRuleChecker();
$checkerRegistry->register('item_count', $itemCountChecker);

// Let's create a new promotion
$promotion = new Promotion();

// And a new action for that promotion, that will give a fixed discount of 10
$action = new PromotionAction();
$action->setConfiguration(array('amount' => 10));

$actionRegistry->register('fixed_discount', $action);

// That promotion will also have a rule - works for item amounts over 2
$rule = new PromotionRule();

$configuration = array('count' => 2);

$ruleRegistry->register('item_count', $rule);


// Now we need an object that implements the PromotionSubjectInterface
// so we will use our custom Ticket class.
$subject = new Ticket();


$checker->isEligible($subject, $promotion); // Returns true


It implements the PromotionEligibilityCheckerInterface.


In order to automate the process of promotion application the component provides us with a Promotion Applicator, which is able to apply and revert single promotions on a subject implementing the PromotionSubjectInterface.


use Sylius\Component\Promotion\PromotionAction\PromotionApplicator;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\Promotion;
use Sylius\Component\Registry\ServiceRegistry;
use App\Entity\Ticket;

// In order for the applicator to work properly you need to have your actions created and registered before.
$registry = new ServiceRegistry('Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\PromotionActionInterface');
$promotionApplicator = new PromotionApplicator($registry);

$promotion = new Promotion();

$subject = new Ticket();

$promotionApplicator->apply($subject, $promotion);

$promotionApplicator->revert($subject, $promotion);


It implements the PromotionApplicatorInterface.


In order to automate the process of coupon generation the component provides us with a Coupon Generator.


use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Model\Promotion;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGeneratorInstruction;
use Sylius\Component\Promotion\Generator\PromotionCouponGenerator;

$promotion = new Promotion();

$instruction = new PromotionCouponGeneratorInstruction(); // $amount = 5 by default

 * @param RepositoryInterface    $repository
 * @param EntityManagerInterface $manager
$generator = new PromotionCouponGenerator($repository, $manager);

//This will generate and persist 5 coupons into the database
//basing on the instruction provided for the given promotion object
$generator->generate($promotion, $instruction);

// We can also generate one unique code, and assign it to a new Coupon.
$code = $generator->generateUniqueCode();
$coupon = new Coupon();