Basic Usage¶


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Stockable Object¶

The first thing you should do it is implementing stockable object. Example implementation:


class Product implements StockableInterface
     * Get stock keeping unit.
     * @return mixed
    public function getSku()
        // TODO: Implement getSku() method.

     * Get inventory displayed name.
     * @return string
    public function getInventoryName()
        // TODO: Implement getInventoryName() method.

     * Simply checks if there any stock available.
     * @return Boolean
    public function isInStock()
        // TODO: Implement isInStock() method.

     * Get stock on hold.
     * @return integer
    public function getOnHold()
        // TODO: Implement getOnHold() method.

     * Set stock on hold.
     * @param integer
    public function setOnHold($onHold)
        // TODO: Implement setOnHold() method.

     * Get stock on hand.
     * @return integer
    public function getOnHand()
        // TODO: Implement getOnHand() method.

     * Set stock on hand.
     * @param integer $onHand
    public function setOnHand($onHand)
        // TODO: Implement setOnHand() method.


The InventoryOperator provides basic operations on your inventory.


use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Operator\InventoryOperator;
use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Checker\AvailabilityChecker;
use Sylius\Component\Resource\Repository\InMemoryRepository;

$inMemoryRepository = new InMemoryRepository(); // Repository model.
$product = new Product(); // Stockable model.
$eventDispatcher; // It gives a possibility to hook before or after each operation.
// If you are not familiar with events, check the symfony Event Dispatcher.

$availabilityChecker = new AvailabilityChecker(false);
$inventoryOperator = new InventoryOperator($availabilityChecker, $eventDispatcher);

$product->getOnHand(); // Output will be 0.
$inventoryOperator->increase($product, 5);
$product->getOnHand(); // Output will be 5.

$product->getOnHold(); // Output will be 0.
$inventoryOperator->hold($product, 4);
$product->getOnHold(); // Output will be 4.

$inventoryOperator->release($product, 3);
$product->getOnHold(); // Output will be 1.



use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Operator\InventoryOperator;
use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Checker\AvailabilityChecker;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Model\InventoryUnit;
use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Model\InventoryUnitInterface;

$inventoryUnitRepository; // Repository model.
$product = new Product(); // Stockable model.
$eventDispatcher; // It gives possibility to hook before or after each operation.
// If you are not familiar with events. Check symfony event dispatcher.

$availabilityChecker = new AvailabilityChecker(false);
$inventoryOperator = new InventoryOperator($availabilityChecker, $eventDispatcher);
$inventoryUnit1 = new InventoryUnit();
$inventoryUnit2 = new InventoryUnit();
$inventoryUnits = new ArrayCollection();
$product->getOnHand(); // Output will be 5.




count($inventoryUnits); // Output will be 2.
$product->getOnHand(); // Output will be 4.


All methods in InventoryOperator throw InvalidArgumentException or InsufficientStockException if an error occurs.


To understand how events work check Symfony EventDispatcher.


In some cases, you may want to have unlimited inventory, this operator will allow you to do that.


This operator is based on the null object pattern. For more detailed information go to Null Object pattern.


The AvailabilityChecker checks availability of a given stockable object. To characterize an object which is an AvailabilityChecker, it needs to implement the AvailabilityCheckerInterface. Second parameter of the ->isStockSufficient() method gives a possibility to check for a given quantity of a stockable.


use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Checker\AvailabilityChecker;

$product = new Product(); // Stockable model.
$product->getOnHand(); // Output will be 5
$product->getOnHold(); // Output will be 4

$availabilityChecker = new AvailabilityChecker(false);
$availabilityChecker->isStockAvailable($product); // Output will be true.
$availabilityChecker->isStockSufficient($product, 5); // Output will be false.


The InventoryUnitFactory creates a collection of new inventory units.


use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Factory\InventoryUnitFactory;
use Sylius\Component\Inventory\Model\InventoryUnitInterface;

$inventoryUnitRepository; // Repository model.
$product = new Product(); // Stockable model.

$inventoryUnitFactory = new InventoryUnitFactory($inventoryUnitRepository);

$inventoryUnits = $inventoryUnitFactory->create($product, 10, InventoryUnitInterface::STATE_RETURNED);
// Output will be collection of inventory units.

$inventoryUnits[0]->getStockable(); // Output will be your's stockable model.
$inventoryUnits[0]->getInventoryState(); // Output will be 'returned'.
count($inventoryUnits); // Output will be 10.