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The promotion is represented by a Promotion instance. It has the following properties as default:

Property Description
id Unique id of the promotion
code Unique code of the promotion
name Promotion’s name
description Promotion’s description
priority When exclusive, promotion with top priority will be applied
exclusive Cannot be applied together with other promotions
usageLimit Promotion’s usage limit
used Number of times this coupon has been used
startsAt Start date
endsAt End date
couponBased Whether this promotion is triggered by a coupon
coupons Associated coupons
rules Associated rules
actions Associated actions
createdAt Date of creation
updatedAt Date of update


This model implements the PromotionInterface .


The coupon is represented by a Coupon instance. It has the following properties as default:

Property Description
id Unique id of the coupon
code Coupon’s code
usageLimit Coupon’s usage limit
used Number of times the coupon has been used
promotion Associated promotion
expiresAt Expiration date
createdAt Date of creation
updatedAt Date of update


This model implements the CouponInterface.


The promotion rule is represented by a PromotionRule instance. PromotionRule is a requirement that has to be satisfied by the promotion subject. It has the following properties as default:

Property Description
id Unique id of the coupon
type Rule’s type
configuration Rule’s configuration
promotion Associated promotion


This model implements the PromotionRuleInterface.


The promotion action is represented by an PromotionAction instance. PromotionAction takes place if the rules of a promotion are satisfied. It has the following properties as default:

Property Description
id Unique id of the action
type Rule’s type
configuration Rule’s configuration
promotion Associated promotion


This model implements the PromotionActionInterface.